Meet Us
![]() Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to get to know us and our very special breed. DoMarco PWDs was founded in the early 1990s as a home based dog family, not a large kennel operation. We are located in beautiful Bloomington, IN where we raise, train, and groom our dogs in a very interactive, hands on environment. My husband's grandfather was an AKC all around conformation judge, so high standards in the sport of purebred dogs seemed to be destiny. We are committed to the improvement of the breed, to our owners and to producing dogs that excel not only as show animals, but also as dogs able to work in all venues, including our dogs who work as therapy and service animals. I was joined in this passion for the breed by my sister, Dr. Lynne Boyle-Baise in 2000. When you choose a puppy, you should pick the breeder with the dog. If you have a question, think about who you would like to have on your support team. We think in order to be responsible dog owners, breeders and mentors for our owners, it is important to combine our almost 20 years of experience in this breed with continuing education regarding the newest veterinary studies and medical news as well as the best way to raise, train and care for a PWD. Most of our dogs are carefully placed as loving companions, with many taking part in water work, agility, obedience, or therapy work with owners like you; only one or two puppies from a litter are chosen to go on and show. We absolutely do not sell dogs via the internet, you must come and meet us in person. We are involved in the dog world and dedicated to our dogs, our owners, and our reputation... definitely not a puppy mill. Who wouldn't be intrigued by a beautiful and noble dog known as the Portuguese Water Dog? The breed's qualities and history are captivating. I knew the breed was very special from the beginning, but what I found living and working with the dogs far surpassed my expectations. What an amazing and fun journey the dogs have taken us on! They have enriched our lives and the lives of our owners beyond our expectations, and we hope they will continue to do so for years to come. Best of luck in your research of this wonderful breed, may they accompany you (or take over) your life's journey also. ![]() Brytt has been a member of the Portuguese Water Dog Club Of America, Inc. (PWDCA) since 1996. She has served on several national club committees, and is currently serving as the Chair for PWDCA Breeders Development and as the PWDCA Delegate to the American Kennel Club. Brytt received a Maxwell Award from the Dog Writers Association for her published article series on canine structure. She has judged Sweepstakes for supported entries in Maryland and Colorado, judged the Futurity at a National Specialty and is currently working on further requirements to apply to judge in AKC conformation events. Her full time job, day and night, is what else... loving her dogs. Lynne has been a member of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, Inc. since 2001. She is Professor Emeritus of Education at Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana. She has written and published several award-winning books, a children's book and many, many articles. Her special areas of interest are: social studies education, community studies, and service learning. Lynne combines her love of history with her passion for the Portuguese Water Dog. She currently works with Lipton as a therapy dog in elementary schools helping children learn to read. ![]() |